How to Stand Out in a Talent Search

The past couple of weeks I've seen an increase in RIFs, and amazing talent becoming free agents. I'm also seeing companies tighten parameters for roles, ask more from employees in terms of wearing many hats, or being tentative to make more hires.

If you are one of the many searching for a role, I know this is a tough time, but I have a few recommendations to help with the search:

✅ Have your resume updated with hard and soft skills: metrics, extracurricular activities, President's Club, etc. Essentially, why you stand out!

✅ Determine your competitive advantage. What is your niche that differentiates you from all others? Do you come from a FinTech, MarTech, or HealthTech background? Highlight what makes you specialized rather than generalized.

✅ Know what you want, and speak it with authority. Have a clear idea of the work culture, compensation, role duties, and attributes of the leadership team you are looking for. Speak your desire to everyone you connect with, thereby when you are in an interview you can relay your desire with confidence! This in turn benefits you at the negotiation stage.

✅ Utilize your recruiter network. Don't shy away from sending a proactive message to recruiters ( 🙋‍♀️ ) to let them know you are looking - and be sure to include the information outlined above! While we may not have the right role at this time, you betcha that when a niche role pops up, we will be thinking of the niche individuals in our network 😉

Best of luck out there, friends. Stay positive, and trust that your network is here to help! ☮


The Season of Gratitude and Giving